gabrielle koenig

about me

welcome to my page!

I'm Gabrielle, a current Marketing, Graphic Communications, and Brand Communications student at Clemson University. I know this probably sounds like a lot, but when you're enjoying what you're doing, it doesn't feel like work at all :) I absolutely love working with and learning from some of the best people that I've met through these programs at Clemson.

A little more about me... recently, I returned home from four months in Italy (it was a dream) where I studied abroad. I 100% encourage everyone to go and see the world if you have the opportunity. During my time, I learned a lot about myself and life beyond my bubble, and I grew closer to some amazing people; things that may not have happened without this experience. I can often be found stationed behind the camera at one event or another, reading a book, grabbing coffee with friends, or doing some form of relaxing workout (love myself a hot yoga or pilates class).

gabrielle koenig, girl with brown hair in teal dress on a beach